
Introducing the transformation of the ID card and driving license into digital formats signifying a progressive leap torwards enhanced security and convenience in personal identitfication and documentation.

Embracing the digital era!

Below is everything you need to know about the Virtual ID Card and Digital Driving License.



In partnership with the Department of Immigration and Civil Status, the Virtual ID Card revolutionises identification by seamlessly integrating personal information into a secure and easily accessible electronic format.

This digital evolution not only enhances convenience but also strengthens security measures in our connected world.

How to obtain it?

You must have:

  1. A valid ID Card issued by the Department of Immigration and Civil Status
  2. A validated SeyID

virtualid videoSeyID Virtual ID


In partnership with the Seychelles Licensing Authority, we have introduced the Digital Driving License. It's not just a simple photograph of your driver's license on your smartpone. It is a digital, secured rendering of your driving license that is connected to the SLA System.

How to obtain it?

You must have:

  1. A driving license issued by the Seychelles Licensing Authority
  2. A validated SeyID

digitallicense videoDigital Driving License


What can I do with my digital identification?

  • After logging in once, both the Virtual ID card and Digital Driving License are available offline.
  • Your digital identification can be used instead of your physical identification upon the request of third parties i.e. Police Officers, Bank Officials etc.
  • Scanning the QR Code will require your consent to provide a third party with your details. (NB: You must have an internet connection for this functionality)

A collaboration between